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Getting started

Learn how to get started with the ScrewBox game engine.


To learn how to create your own game with ScrewBox it's highly recommended to learn about the fundamentals first:


To learn more about a specific topic just pick the corresponding topic from the documentation here. The documentation will grow in time. Don't hesitate and create an issue when you miss something or you simple have a specific question. You can also contact me if you want.

Sample applications

The Github repository of ScrewBox contains some example games that may help you to understand how to create your own game. To run and inspect these example you can clone the Github repository. These examples are included in the repository:

hello-worldHello world application with some interactive particle effects.
pathfindingExample application showing how to use pathfinding and importing maps from Tiled Editor
game-of-lifeAn interactive game of life implementation.
platformerA much more complex example showing how to make a platformer.
vacuum-outlawExample for a top down game.
playgroundJust a playground, containing whatever is currently in focus of development.