📄️ Achievements
Add achievement to challenge players with custom goals.
📄️ Assets
Assets load and store larger game data.
📄️ Async
Outsource cpu heavy tasks in separate threads.
📄️ Audio
The engine.audio() component allows playback of sounds and retrieving microphone input level.
📄️ Camera
Screwbox uses a viewport concept.
📄️ Environment
The ScrewBox ECS implementation.
📄️ Keyboard
Use keyboard input to control your game.
📄️ Log
Logging in ScrewBox applications.
📄️ Loop
The game loop is responsible for updating all core modules.
📄️ Mouse
Use engine.mouse() to receive mouse input for game control.
📄️ Scenes
Scenes can be used to structure your game.
📄️ UI
The engine.ui() component adds support for interactive menus and user notifications.
📄️ Window
The engine.window() module is used to control and retrieve information about the game window.