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The component allows playback of sounds and retrieving microphone input level.

Playing sounds


Currently only the wav and midi sound format is supported. This might change in the future.

The Sound class allows storing of sound data. To create a sound place a supported sound file in the src/main/resource directory and import it. It's highly recommended to load sounds using Assets to avoid playback latency and stuttering.

// preferred way
Asset<Sound> soundAsset = Sound.assetFromFile("sounds/jump.wav");;

// async loading is also supported
Sound sound = Sound.fromFile("sounds/jump.wav");;

You can also use the prepacked sounds using from the SoundBundle.

Customizing playback

Sound playback can be customized using the SoundOptions parameter.

// play custom sound
audio.playSound(SoundBundle.SPLASH, SoundOptions

// play at a specific position
Playback playback = audio.playSound(SoundBundle.SPLASH, SoundOptions

You can choose one or multiple of the following configuration options for playback:

timesNumber of times the sound is played
volumevolume of the sound
panchanges the panorama value (similar to left right balance) ranging from -1.0 to 1.0
isMusicmark sound as music (configured music will apply)
speedspeed of the playback (0.1 to 10.0) also affects pitch
positionset position of sound to automatically detect volume and pan

Spatial effects

The position parameter uses the configured sound range see below to detect volume and pan. Playing sound with a position is the recommended way to add some spatial feeling to your games audio.


Playing a sound returns a Playback instance. The Playback can be used to gain info on the sound or to change it's options after it started.


Changing the speed of a sound after it started is not possible and will result in an exception. To change playback speed ScrewBox creates audio lines with a higher playback rate. This is kind of a hack and introduces this restriction.

Audio configuration

The AudioConfiguration can be used to change music and effect volumes and the sound range for spacial audio effects.

Using ECS for playback

To link a continuous playback to an entity add a SoundComponent to that entity.


Audio allows reading the current volume level of the microphone using audio.microphoneLevel(). The volume can be used as special input device as can be seen in this demo (Youtube).