Use keyboard input to control your game.
Obtain the Keyboard
module using engine.keyboard()
Check for key status
The Keyboard
provides multiple method for checking the status of a key.
Instead of the event driven AWT / Swing approach ScrewBox encourages using a polling mechanism.
This makes it easier to write thread safe code.
To check for key status use the desired method.
// will be true as long as the key is down
boolean isSpaceDown = keyboard.isDown(Key.SPACE);
// will be true only in the first frame when space is down
// must be released and pressed again to be true
boolean isSpacePressed = keyboard.isPressed(Key.SPACE);
// will only be true when both keys are down at the same time
final KeyCombination quit = KeyCombination.ofKeys(Key.SHIFT_LEFT, Key.Q);
boolean isQuit = keyboard.isDown(quit);
Using aliases
Aliases can be used to make the key bindings configurable. Also aliases may improve the readability of your source. Any enum value may be an alias.
enum MyKeybindings {
keyboard.bindAlias(MyKeybindings.JUMP, Key.SPACE);
boolean isJump = keyboard.isDown(MyKeybindings.JUMP);
The alias binding can also be added by annotating the enum values with @DefaultKey
The default value can be overwritten by using keyboard.bindAlias(...)
enum MyKeybindings {
Movement input
The keyboard also provides a very simple way to receive direction input for the arrow keys and the also very common wsad-combination:
// will be Vector.$(10,0) when pressing arrow right
Vector movement = keyboard.arrowKeysMovement(10);
// will be Vector.$(7.07, 7.07]) when pressing w and d at the same time
Vector movement = keyboard.wsadMovement(10);
Recording text
To receive an input string from the keyboard the record mode must be started.
keyboard.recordedText(); // = Optional.empty()
keyboard.isRecording(); // = false
keyboard.isRecording(); // = true
keyboard.recordedText(); // = Optional.of("")
// press a, b, c, backspace, d
keyboard.recordedText(); // = Optional.of("abd")