The engine.window()
module is used to control and retrieve information about the game window.
Window State
The Window
module provides methods for opening, closing and moving the game window on the screen.
Closing the window won't stop the game from running.
To actually quit the engine call engine.stop()
There are also several function that provide information on the current window state.
windows.isOpen(); // = false
window.close(); // does nothing, because already closed
window.moveTo(, 40));; // window opens at new position 10:40
window.hasFocus(); // will be false when the window runs in background
Window title
The window title can also be set via window.setTitle("My game")
The title will be initialized with the
Changing the window title is quite slow.
Constant refreshing of the window title should be avoided.
Changing the cursor
The mouse cursor that is used while the cursor is on top of the window can be changed to a custom image, to be hidden or to be the default cursor of the operation system ScrewBox is running on.
The window functions don't support animated cursors. These can be archived by drawing an animated sprite at the cursor position. The easiest way to do so is by using basic components.
environment.addEntity("animated cursor",
new TransformComponent(),
new CursorAttachmentComponent(),
new RenderComponent(animatedSprite);
Drag files on the window
The window will record drop events that can be pulled by any entity system. So you can finally add your word documents inside your super mario clone.
engine.window().filesDroppedOnWindow().ifPresent(drop -> {
String formatted = "dropped %s files at %s:%s".formatted(
// will log "dopped 2 files at 10:52 dragging files on top of the window