Components overview
An overview over all components shipped with the ScrewBox ECS
Also have a look at the standalone systems.
Adding a Component
to an Entity
will automatically add the described behaviour if the corresponding EntitySystem
was added to the Environment
See Prepacked systems and components for more information.
To use all components out of the box use engine.enableAllFeatures()
But this will come with some unnecessary systems that will consume a neglectable time.
So if you struggle with fps it might be a good idea to avoid unnecessary systems.
Otherwise this is the recommended way to go.
Common Components
Component | Description |
TransformComponent | Most common component. Specifies size and position of the entity within the game world. |
AI components
To use these components call environment.enableAi()
Component | Description |
PatrolMovementComponent | Applies a patrolling movement pattern. |
PathMovementComponent | Moves an entity along a Path . |
TargetMovementComponent | Moves the entity towards the specified position. Does not avoid obstacles. |
TargetLockComponent | Rotates the sprites of the RenderComponent towards the specified target entity. |
Control components
To use these components call environment.enableControls()
Component | Description |
LeftRightControlComponent | Let the entity move left and right on key press. |
JumpControlComponent | Let the entity do a jump on key press. |
SuspendJumpControlComponent | Enforce ground contact for jumping. |
Tweening components
To use these components call environment.enableTweening()
Component | Description |
TweenComponent | Adds tweening to an entity. Required for all tween related components. |
TweenPositionComponent | Adds tweening movement from one position to another. |
TweenOrbitPositionComponent | Adds an orbiting movement around a central position. |
TweenDestroyComponent | Removes the entity after the tween is finished. |
TweenScaleComponent | Tweens the scale of an Sprite used in the RenderComponent . |
TweenOpacityComponent | Tweens the opacity of an Sprite used in the RenderComponent . |
TweenSpinComponent | Tweens the spin Sprite used in the RenderComponent . |
TweenLightComponent | Tweens the opacity of all light related components. |
Rendering components
To use these components call environment.enableRendering()
Component | Description |
RenderComponent | Renders a Sprite at the entity position. |
ReflectionComponent | Reflects sprites at the entity bounds. Also supports water animations. |
MovementRotationComponent | Rotates Sprites in direction of movement. |
FixedRotationComponent | Continuously updates the rendered Sprite rotation. |
FlipSpriteComponent | Flips the Sprite horizontally when the entity moves to the left. |
FixedSpinComponent | Continuously updates the rendered Sprite spin. |
CameraTargetComponent | Moves the camera towards the entity. |
CameraBoundsComponent | Sets the bounds in which the camera will be moved when using CameraTargetComponent . |
Logic components
To use these components call environment.enableLogic()
Component | Description |
TriggerAreaComponent | Detects when the Entity collides with another matching the specified Archetype . |
StateComponent | Used to add a simple state machine to the entity. |
Physics components
To use these components call environment.enablePhysics()
Component | Description |
PhysicsComponent | Adds physics behaviour to an entity. Applies friction and movement and avoids collisions. |
CollisionSensorComponent | Detects collisions with physics. |
ColliderComponent | Prevents physic entities from intersecting. |
AttachmentComponent | Attaches an entity to another. |
CollisionDetailsComponent | Collects detailed information on collisions detected by CollisionSensorComponent . |
StaticColliderComponent | Optimizes performance when added to entities with ColliderComponent that will not move. |
AirFrictionComponent | Slows down an entity even when not collided with anything. |
GravityComponent | A singleton component that specifies gravity value for the game world. |
CursorAttachmentComponent | Attaches the entity to the mouse cursor. |
MagnetComponent | Attracts or repels physic entities. |
ChaoticMovementComponent | Adds a random chaotic movement to physics entities. |
PhysicsGridConfigurationComponent | Singleton component that configures the physics grid used for pathfinding. |
PhysicsGridObstacleComponent | Marks entity as obstacle that is marked in the physics grid. |
Audio components
To use these components call environment.enableAudio()
Component | Description |
SoundComponent | Adds continuous sound playback to the entity position. See Audio. |
Light components
To use these components call environment.enableLight()
Component | Description |
ConeLightComponent | Adds a cone light at the entity position. |
PointLightComponent | Adds a point light at the entity position. |
SpotLightComponent | Adds a spot light at the entity position. |
GlowComponent | Adds a glow at the entity position. |
OrthographicWallComponent | Marks entity as orthographic wall that will only be illuminated from below and cast shadows. |
ShadowCasterComponent | Adds shadow casting from the entity bounds. |
StaticShadowCasterComponent | Optimizes performance by combining shadow caster components that won't move. |
Particle components
To use these components call environment.enableParticles()
Component | Description |
ParticleComponent | Marks an entity as particle. Will be automatically added to all particles. |
ParticleEmitterComponent | Adds particle emission to an entity. |
ParticleInteractionComponent | Transmits entity motion on other entities that have ParticleComponent and are nearby. |
ParticleBurstComponent | Used to automatically shutdown particle emitters after a timeout. |