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Screwbox uses a viewport concept. Within the game there is at least one viewport that has individual camera control. Enabling split screen will create new viewports. The camera of each viewport can be controlled individually. To receive the current camera use

Automatic camera control

The simplest way to move the camera within the game world is to simply attach the camera to an entity. This can be done by adding a CameraTargetComponent to the entity. By changing the viewportId property you can select the target viewport for the camera. This is only relevant when using split screen.

Don't forget to enable processing of the CameraTargetComponent by calling environment.enableAllFeatures().

Manual camera control

You can also obtain manual Camera controls using This allows some more specific controls like changing zoom or instant movement to a specified position.


Sadly you cannot set any zoom value. This is due to zoom restriction which can also be changed via Camera, but also pixel perfect mechanism that is in place to prevent graphic glitches.

Camera shake

Camera also allows setting of a short or infinite shake effect. The method uses the specified CameraShakeOptions to apply the effect. See example code:


The shake effect won't affect the position of the Camera. To receive the actual position including the camera shake use camera.focus().